A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  2 0 1 1 --- J a n u a r y  15  t o  18 --- g l o b a l  n e t w o r k  e x c h a n g e
   r a d i o --- s a t e l l i t e --- s t r e a m i n g --- b r e a k f a s t --- d i n n e r --- p a r t i e s --- c a k e !!!

   Scheduled times are in Your Local Time (which the machine thinks is 2:28 AM. If this is wrong, go to the Set Your Timezone page)

   Travelling West from the International Dateline
   101010 again | online
      Three performances from the 101010 UpStage Festival will be restaged on Sunday 16 January:
      - Strings Attached 2: Who's driving this thing? by Cindi L’Abbe and performers, USA/Korea; Sunday 16th, 10:00 and 21:00 Korean time (find your local time here: 10am show and 9pm show)
      - Recipes for Life by Schaumbad - Freies Atelierhaus, Austria; Sunday 16th, 14:00 European time (find your local time here)
      - MASS MESS by Katarina DJ. Urosevic & Jelena Lalic, Serbia; Sunday 16th, 19:00 Serbian time (find your local time here)

      Times and live links will be on the UpStage web site.
   Challenge of Jazz and Electronica | Tokyo
      January 17, 5:30 am - 10:30 am (14:30pm-19:30pm JST/GMT+9)
      part-1 Jazz and beyond: Isao Suzuki(base) + Kyo Sakurai (beatboxing)
      part-2 Noise: ASTRO/Hiroshi Hasegawa solo set, Manuel Knapp solo set, Cosmic Coincidence (ASTRO+Manuel Knapp+ROHCO)
                More info: http://anarchy.translocal.jp/artsbirthday/
                Live: USTREAM: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kinesonus
                Hosted by Tetsuo Kogawa at TKUsutudio, Tokyo Japan
   Ritornelloff Potluck | Helsinki
      http://nomadinenakatemia.blogspot.com will arrange a gathering January 17, 5 pm in Harakka island, Helsinki.
      Live: ZOTE(N)WERK: CANZIONE REVISITED. ZOTE(N)WERK is a sound-collective formed by Minna Holkkola and Timo Heinonen,
      bringing together the human and machine sounds in leaking bordering surfaces and in varying contexts.
      The evening is dedicated to Risto Heikinheimo (1955-2010/11), painter and performance artist.
   Czech Radio 3 - Vltava :: Czech Radio - Radio Wave collaborative on-site :: on-air :: on-line event
      On Monday, January 17, 7 pm to 9 pm the seventh international broadcast and series of concerts
      produced by Czech Radio and the EBU will be taking place within the global conceptual celebration of Art's Birthday 2011.
      Venue: The Gallery of the National Technical Library, Prague.
      Featuring: TyaRa (Hommage à J. Cage, A.V. Popov, G. Marconi), Ensemble MARIJAN, Radio ROYAL, Palagrachio, NO PAVAROTTI
      on-line video stream + all information about the event at http://www.rozhlas.cz/artsbirthday
   Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party | Viral Radio, Vienna
      ViralRadio. on air - on line - on site
      performance, live radio event and installation by Brigitte Wilfing and Jorge Sánchez-Chiong, with Magdalena Chowaniec, Jan Deck, Anne Grabs,
      Kid 606, Peter Kozek, Ernesto Molinari, Pure, Martin Siewert, Thomas Wagensommerer and many more...
      January 17, 7 pm
      http://kunstradio.at, http://viralradio.blogspot.com
   EBU Ars Acustica Party! | European national Radio's celebrating Art's Birthday
      The EBU Ars Acustica group is joing the international Art's Birthday parties with celebrations
      in many European Cities from January 17, 7 pm - 11 pm!

      Please have a look here to find out more:
   bits and ohm | exhibition of masters program | media and interaction design | ESC | Graz
      January 17, 9:20 pm - 9:40 pm : laptop orchestra and presentation of interactive presents for art (micro-installations)
      January 17, 6 pm - 11 pm : exhibition opening and streaming party
      Live Stream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/laptop-orchestra | http://www.ustream.tv/channel/bitsandohm
   Art's Birthday 2011 at KunstvereinGRAZ
      In the inner circle of KunstvereinGRAZ, located in Regensburg, Germany, we celebrate art's birthday.
      Each member and invited guest will prepare a gift for art, which will be sent to the world wide web.
      Also a small video-programme will be shown. With best regards: Renate Christin and Andreas Müller.
   radio.blau.party - Radio Blau and D21 Kunstraum celebrate Art's Birthday 2011
      When? Sunday, January 16, 1 pm to January 16, 3 pm
      Where? Radio Blau 99.2, 94.4, 89.2 FM, Livestream http://stream.radioblau.de
      Access via Skype call (Skypename: radio.party.blau)
          This year Radio Blau, the Leipzig non-commercial community radio station and D21 Kunstraum, are also going to join first time the Art's Birthday Network with a radio party.Please feel
          invited to join us, no matter whether you are a sound artist, a radio listener or if you are just curious. Get connected to the studio via skype and have a chat with us and all our guests,
          play sounds or have fun with us for the two hours we are on air. Exceptional birthday songs and sounds for the 1,000,048th birthday of art are more than welcome!
      More information about Radio Blau at http://www.radioblau.de, D21 Kunstraum at http://www.d21-leipzig.de
   CLOSED // OPEN | Antwerp
      Most museums in Belgium are close don Monday’s. Also MUHKA ( Museum for contemporary art of Antwerp ) is closed on a Monday.
      Exceptionally MUHKA opens it doors and reserve the full 2-nd floor for ARTS BIRTHDAY 2011. We promote the opening of all museums
      in the world on ARTS BIRTDHAY with free entrance for all visitors.
      ARTS BIRTDHAY 2011 is a live mix as a soundscape of museum sounds and the repetitive reading of open / closing times from all over the world.
   Pure Data Patching Circle rencontre l'Anniversaire de l'Art | Brussels
      OKNO.be // 17.01.11 // preparations 1pm, connected concert 6pm //
      As a special present for Art, a special edition of OKNO's monthly Pure Data Patching Circle.
      Use PD to process, redirect, connect, crash and reconnect the data in realtime. Join in.
      A present is a present, and surprises are the best, long live Art!
   East Street Arts// Art Event Performance - Holus Bolus - Leeds, UK
      48 hour celebration of Arts' Birthday
      Holus Bolus meaning All Together, All as One
      Skype games, Zine making, Hope Cube, Performance, DJs
   Art's Birthday | Swansea, UK
      Friday 14th - "Gallery Day" at the Glynn Vivian: 1pm Talk by Dr. George Nash, "New for Old," on Prehistoric Art and Modern
      Graffiti; Followed by the making of a magazine with Steven Paige; Plus Live music.
      Monday 17th - Launch of the "Three Year, Four Day Working Week" with an online radio broadcast.
      Further details: http://www.artsbirthdayuk.blogspot.com/
   Radio Zero Art's Birthday Party | Lisbon (PT) - Mooste (EE) - Amsterdam (NL) -  Hong Kong (PRC)
      live radio live streaming
      streaming performances, soundscapes, fluxus actions by Patrick Mckinley, John Grzinich, Paulo Raposo,
      Carlos Santos, João Vasco Paiva, Ricardo Reis, Rinus Van Aleebek, André Avelâs, Gonçalo Alegria, Lull Cec, and more.
      January 17, 8 pm - 10 pm
   Creativity, Copyright, and Quality of Life | Fredericton
      Artist–poet Joe Blades will be giving a performance–talk to students in a
      Criminal Law & Proceedure course at University of New Brunswick's Faculty of Law,
      Ludlow Hall, Fredericton, NB, Canada. It will be a art and creation wake-up call
      in the context of "ignorance of the law (is no excuse)". Thanks, Art!!!
   :: Radio CKUT :: Birthday Party & Special Live Broadcast | Montréal
      Saturday January 15th: Art's Birthday Party with live music, film & sound installations, art of kissing booth,
      cake contest, dance party and ringing in of art's birthday @ l'Envers, 185 van horne, montreal!
      Monday January 17th: Special live broadcast on 90.3fm or ckut.ca/listen from January 17, 5 pm to 10 pm. Sound artists & improvisational music & open studio
   CROW NOSE | Laura Kavanaugh and Ian Birse | Vieux Hull, Quebec
      --> <-----> <<--------------------->> <-----

      January 15, 5 pm to January 18, 5 am Receive->transform->send Birthday performances TBA.

      Info/stream/archive at Instant Places Art's Birthday 2011
   CFRC's Art's Birthday Radio Broadcast and Cabaret | Kingston
      CFRC 101.9fm, Kingston, Ontario's campus-community radio station, celebrates Art's Birthday with a full day of art on the airwaves
      on Monday, January 17, featuring experimental broadcasts and highlights from celebratory live streams around the world.
      From 8-11pm EST, the station will be broadcasting live from the Artel, 205 Sydenham Street, for a Radio Cabaret,
      featuring live performances, experimental sounds, and cake.  For more information visit http://www.cfrc.ca
   Art's Birthday Radio Cabaret - Kingston Ontario Canada
      January 18, 12 am to 3 am, at The Artel, 205 Sydenham St.
      Cake contest with celebrity judges and artprizes! Performances by Decomposing Pianos!
      Clive Robertson! The Artel Collective! SOUB? And more! All broadcast live on CFRC Radio
      101.9FM Kingston ON, streaming link at http://www.cfrc.ca.
   NAISA presents Art's Birthday @ the Artscape Wychwood Barns, January 16, 5 pm to 10 pm & @ the NAISA space January 17, 6 pm to 9 pm | Toronto
      Craving a Sunday afternoon with lots of cake and fun things to do in Toronto? Make Sunday January 16, 5 pm to 10 pm a special day to make and enjoy Art on
      the fabulous Covered Street at the Artscape Wychwood Barns (601 Christie Street). There will be hands on art-making, interactive fun, sound art by guest artist
      Michael Waterman, turntablism with Mike Hansen & MC'd by John Coburn + more.  Admission is free & for all ages. BYOK - Bring your own Kazoo. And of
      course there is cake!  Happy One Million and Forty-Eighth Birthday, Art!
           NAISA will also host a live networked performance by Mannlicher Carcano on Monday January 17, 6 pm to 9 pm @ the NAISA space manipulating
      the sounds of the other Art's Birthday parties and broadcasts taking place in Europe, Peterborough, Guelph, Winnipeg and Los Angeles, with CFRU (93.3 FM)
      in Guelph broadcasting a portion of the broadcast from January 17, 6 pm to 8 pm  (www.cfru.ca) http://naisa.ca/art_birthday/
      Join us on Sunday Jan 16th, at Hamilton Artists Inc. 161 James St North Hamilton ON CANADA to celebrate the birth of Art, and participate in an impromptu
      jam session and audio streaming project.  Audio streaming of the impromptu jam at Hamilton Artists Inc. on Sunday will occur in collaboration with
      sound artists Ian Birse and Laura Kavanaugh at http://www.instantplaces.ca/artsbirthday/11/01.html on January 17th, and will be featured on CFMU's New
      Directions http://cfmu.msumcmaster.ca/ (programming link) hosted by Olga Kirgidis, Wednesday, January 19, 2011.  www.hamiltonartistsinc.on.ca
   Christian Pinock, Guillermo Gregorio, and Eric Leonardson Celebrate Art's Birthday Live at Enemy | Chicago
      January 17, 1:30 am This evening’s performances will stream live on http://mixlr.com/ericleonardson/art-s-birthday-2011 at Enemy http://www.enemysound.com Chicago, USA
      Albuquerque-based composer Christian Pinock http://www.christianpincock.net/experimental/index.htm performs original improvised compositions on electric valve trombone.
      Argentinian composer, clarinetist, and alto-saxophonist Guillermo Gregorio resides in Chicago, and performed with Fluxus-like Movimiento Música Mús in the 60s.
      Eric Leonardson performs on Springboard. More information at http://ericleonardson.org/whatsnew/2011/01/03/christian-pinnock-guillermo-gregorio-eric-leonardson-live-at-enemy/
   2011 Winnipeg!  Video Pool Media Arts Centre  presents!!
      Where: Lo Pub & Bistro- 330 Kennedy (Corner of Ellice and Kennedy in the New HI Downtowner Hostel)
      When:  January 16, 2 am   doors open 8pm.
      $10.00, or $8.00 with costume.
      Top Ten videos for 2010  from Video Pool begins promptly 8:30pm.
      *MC for the evening Miss Lizzy La La  *VJing by Jaymez and DJing by Rob Vilar
      *Skype kiosk to exchange birthday greetings with revelers at East Street Arts, Leeds, UK
      *Art fun at the Table of Imaginative Material *Best Made Hat Contest and prizes
      so so much more...
   SNOWJAM 2011 | Saskatoon
      January 15, 2 am Early Arts Birthday celebration in the middle of the Canadian
      prairies. An open jam with audio/video performances, birthday cake, Skype, Ustream.tv and lots of SNOW...
      http://www.pavedarts.ca / http://twitter.com/PAVEDArts_noise
   EMMEDIA hosts ART's BIRTHDAY 2011 | Calgary
      In collaboration with Quickdraw Animation Society, The New Gallery and the Alberta College of Art + Design
      January 16, 1 am - 7 am, EMMEDIA/QAS Building - 351 11 Ave S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Admission is FREE!

      Featuring Dorkbot w/ Lia Rogers, Carl Spencer w/ Ian Birse and Laura Kavanaugh, Shelley Ouellet, Paul Woodrow, Animated Zine Night w/ Micheal Welchman,
      Fillou ACAD Sculpture 316 w/ Rita McKeough and many others!

      For more information, visit us at our website.
   Ahead of Times by Beams | Edmonton
      A night of hair raising fashion meets music.

      January 15, 3 am - 9 am
   ETERNAL CREW for Art's Birthday | Vancouver <-> Montréal
      Hank Bull in Vancouver
      Erin Gee and Melanie Perreault in Montreal
      WORLDWIDE premiere of sound and artwork streaming live Sunday January 16, 5 pm.
      We have cameras, glockenspiels, tambourines, harps, sponges, oranges and blueberries.
      Live and archived stream at http://www.livestream.com/eternalcrew
   Absolute Value of Noise | Vancouver
      "The Silent Speaker" - a generative stream for Art's Birthday. January 16, 8 pm to January 18, 8 pm.
             Live stream at http://giss.tv:8000/noiseart.mp3
      This is an endlessly remixed stereo version of an installation soundtrack based on Philip K. Dick's 1967 novel
      "The Counter-Clock World" in which time moves in reverse and the cycle of life runs backwards.
   Western Front | Vancouver
      Noise, performance and experimental music featuring Ross Birdwise and Soressa Gardner, Baskets and Quantum Dots.
      January 17, 4 am to 7 am at 303 East 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
                 more info here ..
   1st International Walk With Flowers Day | Worldwide
      We believe that life itself is a work of art, and thus, it should be celebrated as often as possible.

      On the vigil of Art's Birthday, let’s walk with flowers. Everbody can participate!
      The idea of this event is to be friendly to strangers and interact with them - for a couple of seconds, minutes, or even hours.

      More information on the Walk With Flowers Day. January 16, 5 am to 4:59 am, worldwide.

   A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  .  N e t --- is supported by the Western Front Society.
   The site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.