You are invited to join in a celebration of
Art's Birthday
January 17, 2015
the 1,000,052nd Anniversary of Art!
global network exchange .. radio .. satellite .. streaming .. breakfast .. dinner .. parties .. cake
Your local time is 2:35 PM Set your timezone here.
Below is a list of global network events taking place between January 15 and 19, 2015.
LMYvii a global generative stream of La Monte Young 1960 #7
LMYvii a global generative stream of La Monte Young 1960 #7
Featuring sound artists and musicians from various locations in the Art's Birthday network, LMYvii will present a generative audio stream of a
composition by La Monte Young "1960 #7".
The piece will stream from January 12, 8 pm to January 20, 8 pm. Listen Here on
(or download the playlist file to run in your favourite mp3 player).
Visit The LMYvii page to find more info on the stream and how to submit sounds.
Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party
Kunstradio celebrates again on air - on line - on site
on air: January 16, 9:15 pm - January 17, 12 am Österreich 1
on line:,,
Come and celebrate Art's Birthday with us!
on line:,
on site: January 17, 6 pm RadioKulturhaus Wien, Argentinierstrasse 30a, A-1040 Vienna.Free Entrance!
FOLD A HAT ... decorate, prepare, modify,redesign, ... and you can win this hand folded pure golden hat ! Make a photo of your creation and sent this by email to The photographs must reach us before Sunday, January 18 th, 2015 12:00 CET.
Absolute Value of Noise | Gravity Rising | Vancouver
A generative audio stream made with my ELF transmitter/receiver system. There's a trick I do with the antennas, where the focus of the receiver
and transmitter is pointing down to the center of the earth. What you hear is a rumble and a rising - as if a strange flying saucer is lifting up,
rising out of the depths of a chasm and moving off into deep space.
Streaming January 16, 8 pm to January 18, 8 pm. Streaming link at
Or Listen Here on NoiseArtRadio1 (or download the playlist file to run in
favourite mp3 player).
Morpho House, Gallaitstraat 80 Schaarbeek, org.
Exercises on how to replace the avant-garde today with a networked activity, changing work into play. Filliou himself estimated that would
take 5 billion years to realize, providing at least something to believe in. Okno and the artists from 'A Laboratory On The Open Field' network
celebrate in full daylight, sabotaging work with a playful and creative afternoon.
15-16 January 15: Mini-workshops and preparation of the party-events
17 January: Art's Birthday T-Dansant at 16-20h, with many surprising presentations, performances and situations, meanderings, meditations,
mixtures and meanings...
For more information and participation contact bezdomny /*/
Richard Saltoun Gallery, 111 Great Titchfield Street, London W1W 6RY
FILM evening Thursday 15/1/2015, 19:00 GMT
Art's Birthday PARTY Friday 16/1/2015, 10:00-18:00 GMT
Thursday 15 January
ROBERT FILLIOU: 'Porta Filliou' screening with introduction by CLIVE ROBERTSON
19:00 GMT
Porta Filliou (1977, 44' b/w) made in collaboration with Marcella Bienvenue and Clive Robertson. Screening introduced by Clive Robertson in discussion with
Roddy Hunter.
Friday 16 January
10:00 - 18:00 GMT
'1.000.010 years ago, ART was LIFE, 1.000.010 years from now it will again be. Let us have an artless day of festivities to celebrate this happy beginning,
and bring about this happy ending. Here's what's on my mind: EVENTUALLY ART MUST RETURN TO THE PEOPLE - CHILDREN WOMEN AND MEN
EVERYWHERE - TO WHOM IT BELONGS.' (Robert Filliou, Aachen, 1973)
We will begin celebrations from 10am, Friday 16 January to correspond with the planetary dawning of Art's Birthday in Kiritimati, Republic of Kiribati
(GMT/UTC+14h) - the first people to celebrate Art's Birthday on Earth. Expect fun-making, bubble-blowing, tea-drinking, hat-folding, an aikido
demonstration and much more!
This event will also launch The Next Art-of-Peace Biennale 2015-17, which resumes the project conceived by Robert Filliou and organised by René Block in
its inaugural, sole edition of 1985. Visit at any time in the gallery, skype or tweet us @aop_biennale or visit to help answer Filliou's
question: 'We're all against war. But what are we for? Peace, we say. What is peace? Nobody quite knows.' Join the free Aikido demonstration at 4:30pm.
Thanks to Central London Shodokan Aikido.
ART'S BIRTHDAY 2015: WHAT IS PEACE? is curated by Roddy Hunter with friends Judit Bodor and Barnaby Dicker.
twitter: @aop_biennale
Skype: aop_biennale
1 minute autohypnosis Project
Send us a minute of sound in any system by mail or e-mail.
Visit our webpage
Pedro Bericat
P.O.BOX 4033
50080 Zaragoza
Lumikkiluonnos (A Sketch on Snow White)/ Helsinki
January 17, 5 pm
Nomadic Academy of experimental arts celebrates Art´s Birthday with Lumikkiluonnos (A Sketch on
Snow White).
Lumikkiluonnos is an experimental performative event, taking it´s inspiration from Robert Walser´s text based on the fairy-tale
Snow White. As part of the show we will share cake with the audience! Tervetuloa! Welcome! Performers: Tuomo Kangasmaa, Eija Hirvonen, Kari
Yli-Annala. Spoken part is in Finnish. Location: Gallery Huuto, Jätkäsaari, Helsinki, Finland (during Hirvonen´s exhibition).
More info in the beginning of January via:
One Kilogram Estimated Weight ... Antwerp is celebrating its 10th Art's Birthday in typical Flemish manner with a mussel festival ... one kilogram per person. Art's Birthday 2015 Antwerp is a tasty but also adventurous sonic recipe.
L I G H T P A R A D E - livestream performance - Italy
A streamed live performance by L I G H T P A R A D E
January 18, 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm
permanent link>>>> yt direct link
please be careful: this video could include fast flashing visual contents
ART'S BIRTHDAY 2:15 / Czech republic / PILSEN
January 16, 5 pm to 10 pm Czech Radio is going to celebrate Arts Birthday 2015 in the spirit of a simple question that cannot be answered outright a question we may be embarrassed to ask, and which every year, again and again, opens the one and only celebration of Arts Birthday, as a gesture that examines the current situation of the artistic activity. A series of several totally unexpected encounters will come as a gift as well as the answer: Baroque cantata, folklore songs, sports reporting, contemporary music, inter medial performance, sound walk, spectacular laser instruments . The evening of acoustic arts will take place in the student Gallery Vestředu and in the Culture Centre Papírna Pilsen. Complete info on AB.ROZHLAS.CZ
Collective Misunderstandings exhibition by collective ATB, Mission Gallery, Swansea (until 8 Feb). Two-part Symposium - 17 and 24 Jan, 10am-4pm. 17th opening at Mission Gallery, 6-8pm, followed by Wanderbox Austerity Disco Art's Birthday After Party, Elysium Gallery, 8.30pm-till late.
January 17 Beams
is hosting Arts Birthday at the ortona Armoury 7.00 pm
agaperaygunexperiment with LaMetàFisic Himoko With Tribal Garage Stephen sereda with Trixie Moon Lutra Lutr ssSessionson Skrunt Skrun
Kevin Maimman
and the pretty things Bill Damur Tamakurakurage Don Ross Shae Gueerin with faecal point Apophecy Shawn Pinchbeck Pizzarehia!!
Frozen lake 121
Finding Art - Art's Birthday Belfast
- January 17, 1 pm to 6 pm -
In celebration of Arts Birthday, Belfast-based artists Una Lee, Clara Kane, John D'Arcy, Matt Williamson will go into town
to look for as many Arts as possible and celebrate this precious day with each one of them by crowning them with a
birthday hat, singing a birthday song and taking a photo to eternalise the precious moment of the encounter.
These wonderful moments can be witnessed from 18th January in our official blog
This is studio, music instrument and installation in one object: KlangSchubKarren (sound wheel barrow) by KlangBüro (SoundOffice) Special opening for sound-outputs and -inputs
January 16, 7 pm- January 16, 10:59 pm In 2015 the EURORADIO Ars Acustica group is for the 11th time part of the international Art's Birthday Parties around the globe and will celebrate the 52nd birthday of art all over Europe!
January is the coldest month. On the Canadian prairies we have to do what it takes to survive. This Arts Birthday we'll build a virtual video hearth and gather around for the sonic stylings of fine local electroacoustics from PULSEWIDTH // GUIDEWIRE // WHATS YOUR SIGN? // SBOT N WO // HOMOMONSTROUS 1856 Scarth Street // REGINA SASKATCHEWAN CANADA Starting January 18, 2 am For more information and streaming address see...
Joe Blades' dusie kollektiv poetry chapbook production day
As one of 43 poets participating in dusie kollektiv 8, Joe Blades will print and bind 100-copies of his new poetry chapbook _november poems_ (dusie press) on Art's Birthday in his studio in Fredericton NB, Canada (visit, if you know where to find it!)
Art's Birthday 2015 | EMMEDIA & M:ST (Calgary, Canada)
January 18, 3 am
EMMEDIA, together with M:ST celebrates the 1,000,052 birthday of Art! Join us at the CommunityWise Resource Centre (223 12th Avenue SW) and be part of
the free birthday festivities! We will have our own version of karaoke developed by artist Craig Fahner and as always, we will be blowing out the candles on
Arts 1,000,052 birthday cake!
For more information, go to
Oxfam Swansea Celebrating Art's Birthday 2015
Saturday 17th January : Open Collage Session in the shop all day.
Set up of week-long exhibition by Lynnford Jones.
Sunday 18th January : Knitting Party in the shop from 11-4.
Wednesday 21st January : Barnaby Dicker creates Postage Stamp Poetry live in the shop from 11.30am.
All at Oxfam, 34 Castle Street, Swansea. SAQ1 1HZ. Wales. UK.
All free!
Updates :
NAISA Art's Birthday Celebration & Cross Waves in Toronto
Art's Birthday Celebration & Cross Waves at NAISA in TorontoJanuary 17, 1 am to January 18, 9:30 pm
January 1, 5 am to 31-23:59] Cross Waves radio program "Radio with Everything at Hand: the early years of 24 Hours of Radio/ART, 1992 - 1996" Curated by Peter Courtemanche. Listen online at
January 17, 1 am Cross Waves performance at NAISA Space by Peter Courtemanche and Anna Friz as part of the curated program "Radio with Everything at Hand". Listen online at
January 17, 3 pm to January 17, 8 pm Interactive installation at the NAISA Space "Playing with Gertrude" by Ellen Moffat
January 18, 1 am Art's Birthday Performance at the NAISA Space with Peter Courtemanche and Anna Friz, $10 or Listen online at
January 18, 5:30 pm to January 18, 9:30 pm Join Ellen Moffat and perform using her installation, plus other family friendly activities to celebrate Art's Birthday.
Live stream celebration of the 1,000,052st anniversary of art hosted by creaddictive
This Saturday January 17 you are invited
to join a celebration of Art's Birthday
the 1,000,052nd Anniversary of Art!
Check here for your time zone details
FluxFest Louisville Saturday, January 17 at 10:00 EST
Appropriating Language #2, Berlin
Pierre Granoux
Homage to Robert Filliou. 12 poems written on the occasion of the 1,000,052nd Art's Birthday.
Opening on Saturday, January 17th, 2015 at 7 PM CET
Manière Noire, Berlin
Art's Birthday 2015, Blumenthal
Kunstaktion zum
1.000.052. Geburtstag der Kunst
Am 17. Januar finden alljährlich rund um den Erdball Feierlichkeiten, Partys und Belustigungen zu Ehren der Kunst statt.
Auch dieses Mal sind wir wieder dabei (mit verbesserter Rezeptur!)
fLuxus 13
Schleidener Straße 13
19:00 Uhr MEZ
Bugs Opening at Western Front, Vancouver
Western Front (Vancouver) celebrates Art's Birthday this Friday, January 16th in conjunction with the opening of its new exhibition, Bugs, by Life
of a Craphead and Laura McCoy. Come by for cake! 7PM PST
24 Hours of Radio Art 2015! on CITR FM in Vancouver
24 Hours of Radio Art 2015!
January 17, 8 am to January 18, 10 am
Curated by Oswaldo Perez Cabrera
Merry.Dynamic.Relative | Radio Slovenia | Ljubljana
Poems by avantgarde poet Srečko Kosovel (1904-1926) are imbued with prophecies of decaying Europe, anxious feelings from 1920s, images
mechanic and electric age and other visions. In »Merry. Dynamic. Relative.« five artists will enter this mind field. Word fragments, improvised
reactions, electroacoustic, electromechanic, even electromagnetic soundscapes will be created by two distinguished Slovene improvising
musicians - vocalist Irena Tomain and drummer Vid Draler, joined by three members of Cirkulacija 2 collective: Botjan Leskovek will
sound loops, Stefan Doepner will include his light-sound device jedinica_jedan vol.2 and Borut Savski will perform with computer and
Live from Studio 14 @ Radio Slovenia, Ljubljana, international broadcast, EBU channel Haydn, air time 21:10 21:30 GMT / 22:10 22:30 CET
ART'S BIRTHDAY Festival 2015
January 16, 6 pm to January 17, 12 am
E-WERK Freiburg, Eschholzstraße 77, 79016 Freiburg
January 16, 6 pm to January 17, 12 am
January 16, 6 pm to 9:30 pm & January 16, 11:25 pm to 12 am
Frank Bierlein, Valle Döring & Tillie Bedeau, Evgenij Gottfried, Jan F. Kurth und Ephraim Wegner, Laut & Lyrik (Katharina Gebs, Jonathan Löffelbein, Magnus
Rook), Les commissaires anonymes (Cécile Roche-Boutin & Mathilde Sauzet), Moculzai (Philippe Mainz), PiaDavid (Pia Matthes & David Loscher), Robert
Torche, Cedric Spindler, Bea Stach, STRWÜÜ (Lukas Fütterer & Zhou Pei), Studio für Filmmusik / Hochschule für Musik Freiburg (Pablo Beltran, David Fischer,
Ruben Olivares, Kelsey Plog)
January 16, 9:30 pm to January 16, 11:25 pm
Textor & his "tiefergelegtes Tanzorchester": Henrik von Holtum (voice) Holger Renz (g), Oliver Prechtl (keys, fx) and MPC-Wizard Qendolin Fender
Mike Ladd & his Dream-Band: Mike Ladd (voice, electronics, keys), Juice Aleem (voice), Tahiti Boy (keys), Damali Young (drums, e-guitar)
Further Information:
Art's Birthday - Installation in Artcenter KipVis, Vlissingen
Art's Birthday - Installation in Artcenter KipVis, Vlissingen
January 17, 2015 - February 8, 2015
Art's Birthday Cabaret presented by TONE DEAF - Kingston Canada
TONE DEAF invites you to help celebrate Art's 1,000,052nd Birthday!
January 17, 8pm-11pm EST
The Artel, 205 Sydenham St, Kingston Ontario Canada
We are excited to present a great line-up of innovative local music, spoken word and sound art.
And cake.
Live audio streaming on CFRC 101.9FM from 10PM EST- find the link at
Check out to see what else TONE DEAF is bringing you in coming weeks and months.
Big River Dream
Decomposing Pianos
Golden Golden
Raissa Simone
Art's Birthday . Net is supported by the
Western Front Society
This site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.