You are invited to join in a celebration of
Art's Birthday
January 17, 2015
the 1,000,052nd Anniversary of Art!

global network exchange .. radio .. satellite .. streaming .. breakfast .. dinner .. parties .. cake

Your local time is 2:35 PM Set your timezone here.

Below is a list of global network events taking place between January 15 and 19, 2015.



LMYvii a global generative stream of La Monte Young 1960 #7



Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party














Lumikkiluonnos (A Sketch on Snow White)/ Helsinki





L I G H T P A R A D E - livestream performance - Italy





Art's Birthday, Wales





Finding Art - Art's Birthday Belfast





EBU Art's Birthday Parties





Joe Blades' dusie kollektiv poetry chapbook production day





Oxfam Swansea Celebrating Art's Birthday 2015





Live stream celebration of the 1,000,052st anniversary of art hosted by creaddictive





Appropriating Language #2, Berlin





Bugs Opening at Western Front, Vancouver





Merry.Dynamic.Relative | Radio Slovenia | Ljubljana





Art's Birthday - Installation in Artcenter KipVis, Vlissingen





Art's Birthday . Net is supported by the Western Front Society

This site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.