A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  2 0 0 6 --- J a n u a r y  1 4  t o  1 8 --- g l o b a l  n e t w o r k  e x c h a n g e
   T r a n s d a d a E x p r e s s  ( t h e  9 0 t h  a n n i v e r s a r y  o f  d a d a ) --- r a d i o --- s a t e l l i t e --- s t r e a m i n g --- b r e a k f a s t --- d i n n e r --- p a r t i e s --- c a k e !!!

   Scheduled times are in Your Local Time (which the machine thinks is 9:10 PM. If this is wrong, go to the Set Your Timezone page)

   W e s t e r n F r o n t A r t i s t R u n C e n t r e ( V a n c o u v e r )
      Connecting with Kunstradio ORF in Vienna-->January 15, 10 pm-->Miya Masaoka with François Houle and Giorgio Magnanensi in Vancouver
      -->Klaus Filip and Burkhard Stangl in Vienna-->masaoka
          The Inneretina Recital-->January 17, 9:30 pm and January 18, 4:30 am-->inneretina
          -->Audience members will be seated in the dark to experience sound-based performances in a state of total visual sensory deprivation.
   Video Pool Inc.  Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
      Saturday - January 15, 2 am - 2006  http://videopool.org   http://cheapmeat.net/ArtsBirthday.html
      On this 43rd Art's Birthday, Video Pool joins artists and arts organizations around world in celebrating creativity, collaboration,
      community and the generative power of art. The party will feature;  costumes, installations,  a contest
      for the best  Real & Surreal Cakeshttp://cheapmeat.net/cake.html, the Cake Cam , dancing with DJ Co-op, launch of the new Poolside,
      and selected artists performing a new concept in DJ-ing ... DJ 5 Records.
   Kunstradio - Art’s Birthday 2006: TransDADAexpress live in and from Vienna
      On January 17, 2006, Kunstradio, in collaboration with the EBU Ars Acustica group, will be celebrating Art's 1.000.043rd
      Birthday live on site in the ORF Kulturcafe in Vienna. From January 17, 7:30 pm to 9 pm and from 10 pm to 11 pm Art's Birthday Party will
      also be broadcast live on OE1, the cultural channel of the ORF (Austrian National Radio). The party will also be streamed live
      on-line at http://kunstradio.at/PROJECTS/AB2006/index.html where a special project-site will feature links to the streams of participants in Europe and around the world.
   Ars Acustica Group - Art’s Birthday 2006: TransDADAexpress
      2006 the EBU Ars Acustica group is taking part for the second time at the world wide Art's Birthday Parties with a
      Special Evening on Tuesday, January 17, 7 pm to 11 pm. This years parties refer to the re-birth of art
      by Dada. Thus, the 90th Anniversary of DADA becomes a point of reference in most of  the contributions from artists invited
      by the members of the Ars Acustica group. http://www.ebu.ch/en/radio/euroradio_classics/arsacustica/index.php?display=EN
   NoiseCity Helsinki          Media Lab UIAH        Electro Acoustic Noise Night  - Saturday January 14, 7 pm to 9 pm
      NoiseCity Helsinki event will bring together four different performances during the Electro Acoustic Noise Night of Art's Birthday
      celebration on Saturday 14th of January 2006. Performance will begin at 7 pm and will be streamed through
      http://purenoise.uiah.fi:8000/noisecity.ogg http://mlab.uiah.fi/noisecity/noisecity.m3u. Streaming will be in Ogg Vorbis audio format.
      Performers of the event are:  Ibrahim Terzic, Koray Tahiroglu, Petri Kuljuntausta and Pink Twins.  More info at http://mlab.uiah.fi/noisecity
   S T U D I O  X X  Goes Out !  January 17 (Montreal)
      Starting January 17, 10 pm, Studio XX celebrates Art's Birthday 2006 by embarking you in a fresh and poetic expedition...
      Included with a sound-walk and an outdoor guerilla screening, the itinerary links various Montreal artist centres & organisations (including
      La Centrale, OBORO, Upgrade Montréal, and terminus1525.ca). Armed with maps, portable audio media, hot drinks and party hats, the walking
      party will culminate towards 1 am into a network birthday party featuring a common MAIL@RT project, projections & birthday games!
      Check out regulary http://www.studioxx.org/e/programming/events/2006/artsbirthday06.php for the latest updates on the itinerary and schedule.
   Radio Kinesonus, Tokyo - Jaunary 17th
      This day is complex for Japan because on the very day there was the "Great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake" in 1995 and over 6,434 people
      were killed and over 104,906 housings were collapsed. So, this year we planned to listen to the "voice" of the earth and celebrate
      the Art's Birthday as well as mourn the memorial day.     http://anarchy.translocal.jp/artsbirthday2006/
   Radio Grenouille, Marseille, France - January 17, 6:10 pm to 7:30 pm
      Art is very old and has given a lot. So why not let Art stop for a while, have a rest, and celebrate its birthday?
      Let's get together and bring a present for Art. The oldest can bring a past and children can bring a future for Art. Radio can be useful as a canal for
      exchanging the gifts. Come to the radio or phone in. Also the radio can come to you and propose to share this moment in your life. Just tune in
      to Radio Grenouille on January 17, 6:10 pm to 7:30 pm. Live streaming at http://live.grenouille888.org:8080/live. Connected with Lydwine in Nice.
      Other contributions by Joanna Tzipkine, Etienne Noiseau, Stéfan Speekenbrink, Sébastien Geli, etc.
      Info page: http://www.grenouille888.org/dyn/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=203
   Al Hansen Yoko Ono Piano Drop
      While serving in Germany in World War II, artist Al Hansen, pushed a piano off the roof of a five story building.
      Repeated many times, Hansen later dubbed the act the the Yoko Ono Piano Drop. In this animation, you can drop
      the piano yourself, as many times as you like. Happy Birthday everyone!
   GLEE CLUB at Struts Gallery, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada
      GLEE CLUB is a performance for live and processed vocal sounds: Helen Pridmore, Laura Kavanaugh, Lorne Altman, Ian Birse.
      Time January 18, 12 am, MP3 stream available at http://www.instantplaces.ca
   New Adventures in Sound Art and CKLN 88.1 FM (Toronto, Canada)
      Taking part for the first time in the annual Art's Birthday Celebration January 17, 8 pm to January 18, 12 am http://www.ckln.fm, http://www.deepwireless.ca
      Connecting with Kunstradio in Austria, Western Front in Vancouver, and the Ars Acustica group in the Czech Republic
      Featuring performance art, live electronic sound art, and live in-studio performances by Paul Dutton, Dave Dyment, Johanna Householder, Richard Windeyer,
      E. C. Woodley, Anna Friz, David Ogborn, Barry Prophet, Rose Bolton, Catherine Thompson, Matt Rogalsky, and many more.
   Czech Radio 3 - Vltava, Prague - Ceský Rozhlas 3
      Czech Radio has joined international celebrations of art's birthday and contributed a four-hour live acoustic-art-party and week long series of concerts, performances, workshops
      and live events, featuring a large number of artists, most of whom participate in the Radioatelier PremEdice programme. January 13-18 Radio-TV inside out minifestival of ether events.
      January 17, 7 pm to 11 pm Universal space NoD, live concert http://www.roxy.cz/nod Live network audio stream remix by Radio Akropolis http://www.radioakropolis.cz
      January 17, 9 pm to 11 pm live broadcast on Czech Radio 3 - Vltava http://www.rozhlas.cz/vltava  http://www2.rozhlas.cz/abp2006/
      sence_less minis from peter mears, niklas rizzolli, simonetta ferfoglia, elise und guests  http://ima.or.at
      January 17, 7 pm bis 10 pm
   DADAyama, Livebroadcast Berlin, Deutschlandradio + radioTESLA,
      Live-transmission: Deutschlandradio January 17, 7 pm to January 17, 9:30 pm
      Composition and live electronics: Tetsuo Furudate & Georg Klein; Voice: Miho Iwata, die maulwerker (Michael Hirsch,
      Ariane Jeßulat, Christian Kesten, Steffi Weismann); Project: Marcus Gammel; Editorial: Goetz Naleppa
      EBUradio SAT->FM: Madrid|Baden-Baden|Belgrade|Moscow|Prague|Vancouver|Vienna|Stockholm|Helsinki|Brussels|Hilversum|Paris
   Lautkonzert fuer Raoul Hausmann, Berlin, Valeri Scherstjanoi /radio TESLA
      January 17, 9 pm to January 17, 9:30 pm
      Valeri Scherstjanoi /radio TESLA
      rrroestfrisch. Lautkonzert für Raoul Hausmann
      Komposition und Stimme: Valeri Scherstjanoi, Kuenstlerische Leitung: Andreas Hagelueken

   A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  .  N e t --- is supported by the Western Front Society.
   The site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.