Western Front Society | Vancouver | network vs propaganda | an Arts Birthday Festival - January 14th to 20th
streaming --> Wiencouver | Anna Friz+Glenn Gear+Absolute Value of Noise <-> with Volkmar Klein January 14, 10 pm --> Robots and Electro-Gaia-Gram January 17, 4 am
--> AB Jams January 17, 8 pm --> Anna Friz+Glenn Gear+Absolute Value of Noise January 18, 4 am --> Steve Heimbecker January 19, 4 am
--> video by Roberto Paci Dalò --> Mawhrin-Skel Robots --> installation by Oliver Hockenhull --> on-line diaries by Elizabeth Fischer and Lori Weidenhammer |
the society of algorithm
the society of algorithm was invited by acoustic radio, cesky rozhlas praha, to bring a 3-hour stream at experimental space ROXY/NoD gallery.
the society of algorithm will bring DUFF: a connected radio play between praha - brussels - tokyo - vancouver,
is relaying the art's birthday from OKNO brussels, and finally will bring a new version of its whispered history of media art...
January 17, 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm ... http://societyofalgorithm.org |
Art´s Birthday 2007 - Czech Radio 3 - Vltava * * * LIVE from Prague
Czech Radio will join the Art´s Birthday 2007 and all participating artists worldwide with two hours public event (Exp. Space
ROXY / NoD), two hours live broadcast (Czech Radio 3 - Vltava) and on-line at www.rozhlas.cz/radiocustica January 17, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
Program: c8400 & machine funck (live radio performance), Radio IVO (improvised radio play), Birds Build Nests Underground (historical turntable
performance) and THE SOCIETY OF ALGORITHM (formant synthesis network) performance. For details check rozhlas.cz/radiocustica. |
AirBand - Ottawa Edition - With Simon Guibord (from Sulpont) and VJ Ryan Stec
The Arts Birthday is to be celebrated in Ottawa's Mercury Lounge on January 17th.
A collection of students from the University of Ottawa's Visual Arts department have come together and organized an event
which is an interesting blend of art, music, and technology. The event begins at 7pm and will run until 10:30 pm, after
which the Mercury Lounge's regularly scheduled events will continue. http://artengine.ca/artsbirthday/ |
Video Pool Media Arts Centre presents Art's Birthday 2007! Celebrating 100 years of Radio!
Friday, January 20, 2 am 2007 ---> at Club Desire 411 Main Street, Winnipeg Manitoba.
Personal Soundtrack Emitters by Darsha Hewitt and Stephanie Brodeur (public opening of exhibition) silent auction!
and I thought Guy Debord was dead, by Garth Hardy (performance / broadcast) arcane arcade!
sound buffet! Elegy for Khlebnikov by Adhere and Deny (re-broadcast)
Happy Birthday Mashup Mixer by Sandee Moore
radio broadcast on CKUW 95.9 FM ! Party like it's 1907 with DJ Hunnicutt! |
Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party 2007 | 100 YEARS OF RADIO - The Return of Wireless Imagination
On line and on site at ORF Kulturcafe, Argentinierstrasse 30a, 1040 Vienna January 17, 7 pm - open end. On air 10 pm - 1 am, Ö1 (FM 92.0, MW 1476, SW)
contibutors on site in Vienna: GipsyRadio, Tom Havlik, Robert Kellner, Volkmar Klien, Astrid Schwarz, Friedrich Tietjen, textstrom-Team, Tonic Train, wortwerft a.o.
remote contibutors: Antwerpen (Ward Weis), Brussels (SilenceRadio.org), Hainburg (IMA), Tokyo (Radio Kinesonus), Vancouver (The Western Front Society);
as well as members of the EBU ARS ACUSTICA group in Belgrade, Bratislava, Helsinki, Cologne, Moskow, Paris, Prague, Rome, Stockholm, and Zagreb. |
RADIO-NO-RADIO - Ward Weis - Live from Antwerp
"Ancient life was all silence. In the nineteenth century, with the invention of the machine, Noise was born. " words by Luigi Rusollo.
Can we make the same statement for radio after it was invented 100 year ago? RADIO-NO-RADIO listen to the silences between today's radio stations.
We hear randomized long-, middle-, shortwave and fm silence samples on 16 speakers from January 17, 12 pm in the public library DE DRIEHOEK Antwerp / Ekeren until it closes at 7 pm.
Continuing we organize an ART'S BIRTHDAY party from 7 pm to 11 pm. 4 musicians and 1 actor improvise in the RADIO-NO-RADIO soundscape from 7:15 pm until 8:45 pm.
This performance becomes part of the EBU ARS ACUSTICA event ART'S BIRTHDAY 2007. http://www.marabou.be/ABD2007 |
Happy Birthday, Dear Art! - birthday-party celebrating Art at Stedefreund
The artist's run gallery Stedefreund celebrates Art's birthday on January 17, 6 pm to 10 pm.
Everybody is invited to join the party. Stedefreund will serve a delicious cake,
play cool music and is determined to dance! So bring your dancing shoes!
http://www.stedefreund-berlin.de, Rosenthaler Str. 3, 10119 Berlin, Germany, kontakt@stedefreund-berlin.de, +(49)30-39378292 |
Art for Breakfast on CKUT 90.3 FM Montréal
Enjoy art for breakfast with CKUT 90.3 FM. January 17 2 pm to 7 pm,
2:30 pm-> Art 2012 with Charlie O'Connor. 3 pm-> Shoebomber. 3:30 pm-> Virgule (Esther B. With Gordon Allen).
4:35 pm-> Emmanuel Medan. 5 pm->The CKUT Circuit Workshop Orchestra.5:20 pm-> Magali Babin.
5:40 pm-> HUMMM with Kathy Kennedy.6:10 pm-> Emilie Mouchous. 6:40 pm-> Cake with Reverend Norm of the Church of Harvey Christ. |
Pomodoro Bolzano's xxXtenxion :: send us your voice as a present :: arts birthday in cyberspace
dear friends, artists and artlovers/feel free to send your voice as a present streaming in realtime into the party -
the minute after the beep is all yours.../ call art.birtday-phone +49 -(0)941 -780 395 47, January 17, 6 pm to 11 pm
xxX-tenxion SecondLife January 17, 4 pm to 1 am /experience the first celebration of arts birthday in Cyberspace/
guest: miulew :: live sound art performance from sollefteå/sweden January 17, 10:59 pm +++live stream from arts birthday celebrations worldwide+++free art.birthday t-shirt for your avatar+++future design and effects from tokyo laboratories,netherbeckSL+++donations in L$ encouraged/
pomodoro bolzano art.think.box, netherbeck (166, 166, 81)/ http://www.pbspace.de |
Radio Kinesonus | Art's Birthday 2007 from Tokyo
January 16, 3 pm - January 17, 3 pm Part 1: An automatic airwavescape at Goethe Gallery Tokyo.
January 18, 4 am - 11 am Part 2: Translocal party at "Studio" of Tokyo Keizai University with various
performance shows by Kinesonus members, many guests artists and students |
IMA salon sparkling party ⎮Hainburg AT
In commemoration of Nikola Tesla, father of radio, and Otto Nussbaumer, Austrian pioneer transmitting wireless speech and music on 15th of June 1904.
With Franz Emminger, Reni Hofmüller, Norbert Math and Elisabeth Schimana
January 17, 5:30 pm to no idea, on EBU satelite January 17, 6:05 pm to January 17, 6:30 pm
http://www.ima.or.at |
CHOWDOWN | Laura Kavanaugh and Ian Birse | Neutral Ground, Regina SK | January 17, 7 pm to 9 pm |
Sounds of the fiddle and animals grazing mixed with various Art's Birthday streams and simmered.
Best sliced and served warm at other Birthday parties.
Stream/archive is here: http://www.instantplaces.ca/roomnew/instant_text.html |
In glorious streaming audio, coming to you from Kingston Ontario Canada:
Cut-ups, edits and general reworkings of Robert Filliou's reading of "Whispered History Of Art" (1963) as
included on the Fluxus Anthology (1992) archived at www.ubu.com. These Filliou treatments are by electroacoustic
music students at Queen's University Kingston, class led by Matt Rogalsky.
Stream will be live on January 17, 4:30 pm to 6 pm. Here's the link. Thanks Peter & all at Western Front! |
24 Hour NAISA/CKLN 88.1 FM Broadcast Listen to the stream at CKLN
TORONTO, ON - New Adventures in Sound Art celebrates the birthday of Art from January 17, 5 am to January 18, 5 am on
CKLN 88.1-FM with regular Wednesday programmers each supplying their own take on the history of Radio and what Art
means to them. What will you hear? Everything from Calypso to Blues to Jazz to Performance Art to Blue Grass to radio
documentary to electronica all with a peek at what radio has done for their style of music/art. http://www.naisa.ca/art_birthday |
Ars Acustica Group | Art's Birthday Party 2007: 100 years of Radio
The EBU Ars Acustica Group is joining the Art's Birthday Party for the third time. The contributions from the various members of the group
will be under the theme "100 years of Radio" and will be broadcast within the framework of this year's EBU Ars Acustica Special Evening.
Radio's 100th anniversary goes back to the first wireless transmission of sound and voice by Reginald Aubrey Fessenden on Christmas Eve 1906.
You can find a detailed schedule and short descriptions of the contributions under: http://www.kunstradio.at/PROJECTS/AB2007/network-intro.php
More Information about the Ars Acustica Group can be found here: http://www.ebu.ch/en/radio/euroradio_classics/arsacustica/index.php |
24 Hours of Radio Art on CITR FM 101.9 Vancouver
From January 17, 8 am to 8 am CITR FM in Vancouver presents 24 hours of non-stop radio art. What would happen
if your local station went to an all Art, commercial free, format? Tune in to the stream. |
OKNO Brussels | Art's Birthday Party 2007 | January 17, 7 pm till January 17, 10:59 pm
OKNO celebrates the 1.000.044th anniversary of our dearest friend Art. Art couldn't be his illustrious self without inviting some of his friends and disciples. With the help of Réseau Citoyen and SilenceRadio.org we join an intergalactic network of friends and strangers performing around the world. Miniature solar systems, poetic soundscapes, artificial minds and voices, lamp radios on steroids and a sonic vortex make up
our audiovisual labyrinth of the evening. Birthday cake, fusion food and plenty of drinks are arranged to tantalize our other senses.
Performances by: Testuo Kogawa and Jacques Foschia (Transversal Transmission) - Isjtar & Masato Tsutsui (Mai, premature birth of a mind) - So-on (Words in Freedom) - Society of Algorithm (Paskian Whispers) - Billy Bultheel & Ronald Boersen (Exhaust) - Ronald Boersen (Frames, Study 1b) - Els Viaene (An imaginary place for invisible sounds) - Irvic D'Olivier (SilenceRadio.org - Remix for AB2007).
Setting and breakdowns by Shelbatra Jashaari and Irvic D'Olivier.
Those who prefer to stay in a state of non-physicality can catch our audiostream at: http://stream.okno.be:8000/aa.m3u - Latest info on http://okno.be |
Studio XX and Oboro in Montréal
On January 17, 10 pm at OBORO, Studio XX invites you to a celebration for The Art's Birthday!
**Meeting at OBORO**
**Bring your portable cd player (ghettoblaster), flashlight, party hat, and thermos.**
A collaboration with Upgrade Montréal! |
Art's Birthday at the Centre for Suburban Research, Belfast
January 17, 12 pm to 6 pm. To mark this historic occasion SPART ACTION Group are creating a Birthday Party for art at the Centre for
Suburban Research in Belfast. Like every good Birthday Party we will have food, cake and party games. But because it is Art's Birthday
we have decided to open up our archives and share all the great things friends from all over the world have made and given to us over
the past several years. We have also invited friends to make performances and installations in our house, so it should be good fun. |
1,000,044 from Circulo de Bellas Artes de Valencia in Valencia | Recursive Dog
Recursive Dog proposes a worldwide collaborative action to blow of 1000044 candles during January 17.
A video performance were every connected performer contributes with one candle less every loop.
Starting at January 16, 11 pm in your local timezone. |