A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  2 0 0 8 --- J a n u a r y  16 to 18 --- g l o b a l  n e t w o r k  e x c h a n g e
   " F o r e v e r Y o u n g "  t h e  f u t u r e  o f  p o p --- r a d i o --- s a t e l l i t e --- s t r e a m i n g --- b r e a k f a s t --- d i n n e r --- p a r t i e s --- c a k e !!!

   Scheduled times are in Your Local Time (which the machine thinks is 2:09 PM. If this is wrong, go to the Set Your Timezone page)

   Radio Kinesonus (Tokyo) http://anarchy.translocal.jp/kinesonus/20080117/  will present online & insite radioparty curated by Tetsuo Kogawa.
      Part 1: January 16, 3 pm-6 pm at Goethe Gallery Tokyo: Anna Friz (Toronto), Jan Hendrik Brueggemeier (Weimar), Jacques Foschia (Brussels), Tonic Train (Knut Aufermann and Sarah Washington) (Cologne), Keith de Mendonca (Bangalore), neuroTransmitter (Angel Nevarez and Valerie Tevere)(New York), Ralf Homann (Munich), and Tetsuo Kogawa (Tokyo).
      Part 2: January 17, 4 am-5 am Convivial Skype: Illcommonz (Masahiro Oda) from Osaka (collaboration with remo et al. Everyone can call to "polymology" (Skype address) and every personal voice will be on the net.
      Part 3: January 17, 5:30 am-7:30 am Tadashi Yabe(U.F.O.): non-stop DJ
      Part 4: January 17, 7:30 am-10 am Noise, noise and noise: Reiko.A, Kelly Churko, TOMO, à qui avec Gabriel, and ASTRO
   Keith de Mendonca (Disembodied Arts)
      Sounds from India for Art's Birthday 2008.
      This soundscape has been created from field recordings I have made in Bangalore and further afield in India.
      Street sellers, drummers, chanting, prayer wheels, a brass band playing at a race course, and even the
      national anthem sung at a school sports day have all been woven into this 15 minute soundscape
   Ginza Art and Concept Laboratory (Tokyo)
      January 17, 8 am to 11 am. Ginza Art & Concept Laboratory's performance party at its satellite gallery, Koiwa project space.
      Taisuke Morishita will play noise guitar and Keiko Kamma will play keyboard by sound as painting like1950's action painting.
           And more sound performance artists join this party: Chiaki Ise (toy piano), Kanako Fukui, Izumi Murata, Kentaro Chiba (live painting)
      Tea-J: Don Chow
   Digital Guqin Concert in Virtual World - Secondlife Platform - sl to rl - with Shuen-git Chow (Paris/Tokyo)
      The avatar Swann Jie in Secondlife presents the World's first 3D Digital Guqin instrument. From sl + rl. January 17, 8 am-11 am. http://www.swannjie.com
      Secondlife venue: Digital Guqin Museum Garden, everybody welcome.  Maroon (175, 41, 22); Real life venue: Simultaneous projection at the Ginza Art and Concept Laboratory, Koiwa Project Space, Chiba Bldg. 4F, 7-27-2 Minami-Koiwa, Edogawa-ku, Tokyo 133-0056, Japan.
      A concert of 45mn with 4 selected melodies by famous master players: Drunk//Mei RiQiang, Flowing water//Guan PingHu, Spring//Wang Duo, Barbarian in 18 sections//Wu WenGuang.
      Visitors are invited to try the virtual instrument in the immersive interactive environment.  Curator: Dj Don Chow
   CKUT 90.3FM looong day looong night radioart shining bright in the snowy north
      January 17, 2 pm to 5 am (15 hours) on CKUT 90.3FM 9am-noon - CKUT circuit workshop orchestra, DADA
      & Fluxus all-star achives, MTL 2012, AJ Cornell noon-2pm Venus feminist avant-garde 2-3pm soundscape bender with Nimalan
      Yoganathan & Eldad Tsabery, 3-5pm Soca & dancehal avant-garde with Positive Vibes 5-6pm Tobias VanVeen re.mix 6-8pm We Need
      to Talk, 8-9pm Virgule & CORSE, 9-10pmlab.synthèse, 10-12pm Gmackrr, Métis Yéti, Gold Sword, Nim's Jazz Ensemble noise hour
   Art's birthday party at Radio Grenouille
      On January 17, 6 pm to 9 pm Radio Grenouille, Marseille, France, presents a variety show
      with lots of swinging artists, sound pieces of cake, a karaoke party and an unstoppable futurist folk band.
      Among others, Olivier Zol, the Noiser, DjpP, Zoë Irvine, Samon Takahashi, Jacques Foschia...
      Check our programme and reach us at our regular webstreams or simultaneous broadcasts on Radio WNE and Ars Acustica.
   Birthday Party redux
      from January 17, 6 pm to 7 pm -- this audio stream from artist John Hopkins is a sonic redux from the
      http://neoscenes.net archive of various birthday parties recorded during the last year and
      the travel necessary to get to them.  The stream address will be rtsp://qt2.waag.org/birthday.sdp
      Performed by the "sounddesign" students of the Royal Academy of Fine Art’s. We are inspired by the collage "Just what is it that makes
      today's homes so different, so appealing?" by Richard Hamilton. Elements based on postcards form the basic material for a live performance
      laptop concert at the Art's Birthday party in the Winter Garden of the Royal Academy.
      The original sounds will be available for all the Art's Birthday events on the website we make that evening on-line: http://www.marabou.be/ABD2008
   1.000.045th Art's Birthday! Live from Vienna
      on line: http://www.kunstradio.at/PROJECTS/AB2008
      on air: January 17, 10 pm - 11 pm Österreich 1 (FM, SW, MW and http://oe1.orf.at)
      on site: January 17, 7 pm - 11 pm at the Funkhaus, Vienna
      Kunstradio is going to celebrate the 1.000.045th Art's Birthday in Vienna with: Judith Fegerl, Volkmar Klien, Ingo Leindecker, Matthias Markovsky, Musikarbeiterkapelle,
      Doris Prilic, Herbert Weixelbaum and with artists from around the world....
   SIXTIES RELOADED | live from Prague
      online: January 17, 8 pm to 9:30 pm | http://rozhlas.cz/artsbirthday/2008e
      onair: January 17, 8 pm to 9 pm | Czech Radio 3 - Vltava
      Czech Radio celebration of ArtsBirhday 2008 will present a reflection on the widely known 1960s works,
      arrayed in contemporary musical language and technology, under the codename Sixties Reloaded.
      What is a birthday without a birthday song? We contribute to this year's Art's Birthday with a radio opera, connecting Bratislava, Brussels and Tokyo in a worldwide celebration.
      The audience makes the Big Birthday Opera, live from the Experimental Studio of the Slovak Radio in Bratislava, the OKNO space in Brussels, and possibly from some access points to the internet.
      The distributed opera will be realized January 17, 8 pm-8:30 pm. Live on stage (SK) robert rudolf blazej vidlicka marek piacek martina kedrová juraj d'uriš gívan belá roman lašciak
      ... live on the internet: akihiro kubota (JP) Isjtar and Annemie Maes (BE) -> http://www.radioart.sk/ab and http://okno.be
   FISH FEET | Laura Kavanaugh and Ian Birse | Calgary, AB | January 17, 7 pm to January 17, 10 pm |
      Playing catch and release with incoming Birthday streams - dedicated to the Coelacanth,
      who has dreamed of a future on dry land for 400,000,000 years.
      Access the stream/archive at Broadcasts, http://www.instantplaces.ca
   Art’s Birthday with New Adventures in Sound Art & Mississauga Office of Arts & Culture January 17, 7 pm to 3 am streamed on http://www.ckln.fm
      This is the first year of Art’s Birthday celebrations in Mississauga, Canada. As Mississauga forges its new identity for the 21st century, communications are
      key to its development, and Art’s Birthday is a perfect forum for exploring creative ways to interface with local and global communities. The program will
      feature roving reporter Darla Kitty (aka Halifax artist Eleanor King); an unveiling of the Mississauga sound map; a radio transmitter race between Tetsuo
      Kogawa in Japan and Halifax artist Stephen Kelly; DJ-artists, Youth Troopers for Global Awareness, Mississauga Children’s Choir and Back2Basics dancers.
   Western Front presents ATTIC .. drawing the sounds of the future from liminal spaces .. streaming at http://giss.tv:8000/atticnoise.mp3
      darkness .. feedback .. the creation of cake by sonic currents .. with Anna Friz, Eileen Kage, Roberto Paci Dalò, Jean Routhier, Absolute Value of Noise, and E.D.R.
      .. special live stream from Tokyo with Don Chow .. a variety of speakers and microphones are used to turn an attic space into a giant feedback chamber
      .. an acoustical remixing device for remote sound streams .. broadcasting to the EBU Satellite January 17, 10:30 pm to 11 pm
      .. live performance in the Grande Luxe January 18, 4 am at 303 East 8th Avenue, Vancouver.
   Cheap Meat Dreams and Acorns
      In conjunction with the upcoming exhibition Cheap Meat Dreams and Acorns at the Art Gallery of Hamilton
      January 17, 10:30 pm   on CFMU 93.3 FM  McMaster University  Hamilton Ontario Canada.
           Artist Ken Gregory celebrates Art's Birthday 2008 with a fuzzy warm performance on CFMU 93.3 FM's A Little Noise in the System.
      CFMU FM  <---- klick --->  cheapmeat.net   stream at -->  http://cfmu.wwworks-inc.com:8000/  <---
      Coming to you from Kingston Ontario Canada: Cut-ups, edits and general reworkings of Robert Filliou's
      reading of "Whispered History Of Art" (1963) as included on the Fluxus Anthology (1992) archived at www.ubu.com.
      These Filliou treatments are by electroacoustic music students at Queen's University Kingston, class led by Matt Rogalsky.
      Listen here: http://giss.tv:8000/ems.mp3, from January 17, 5 am to January 18, 5 am
   Art's Birthday 2008 with Video Pool!
      Thursday January 18, 2 am to 8 am at Club Desire 441 Main St. Winnipeg, Manitoba. 8 pm til late. $15 or $5 with costume.
           Costumes, Real and Surreal Cake making contest, Prizes, Raffle, Media Gift Exchange and other cool stuff!
           Perfomances by Venetian Snares and VJ Ryan Stec. Dancing with DJ Mama Cutsworth.
      click here for more info ---> Arts Birthday at Video Pool
   ART's Birthday by FAVA
      Music groups, audio artists, video jamming and a happening cake... live from the ARTery...
      Show starts at January 18, 2:30 am: experimental audio by Shawn Pinchbeck and David McCallum...
      hot pop tunes by Illfit Outfit and The Wet Secrets...visual art by FAVA's own...
      many thanks to say and some cake to get into...streaming audio and video all night long
   Prairie Data
      Prairie Data - Live from Saskatoon.
      January 18, 2 am - 4 am
      We're having a party to record some sounds for an upcoming theatre piece,
      and celebrate Art's Birthday! Students and profs of Interdisciplinary Studies class no. 410
      at Queen's University (Kingston Ontario Canada) will be streaming the festivities as live video+sound...
      URL to be announced at the last minute since we can't predict our IP address in advance! Check back please...
      January 18, 1 am to 3 am -- OOPS OUR STREAMING SERVER ISN'T WORKING!!! Happy Birthday anyway!
      http://slurl.com/secondlife/alvensleben/56/229/21, TIME: THURSDAY 17/01/2008, 11AM SLT - X
   Barnaby Dicker invites you to send 2 or 3 images to him today of Art's Birthday.
      He will turn them into a short film on-line. Send them by e-mail to:
      		abjanuary17 (at) yahoo (dot) co (dot) uk
      Then you can look at the film later this weekend at http://www.picture-fit.com
   Art's Birthday 2008 with Artcite Inc. (Windsor)
      Saturday, January 20, 1 am - 6:30 am at Phog Lounge, 157 University Ave. W., Windsor, Ontario. $5 at the door.
      Artist vs. Artist/ Artist Trading Cards/ Stitch 'n Bitch/ BIG birthday cake/ door prizes/ impromptu art stuff
      Performances by DJ Vex, DJ Furs, NOT_digital. More info: http://www.artcite.ca

   A r t ' s  B i r t h d a y  .  N e t --- is supported by the Western Front Society.
   The site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.