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ART'S BIRTHDAY 2013 - the 1,000,050th Anniversary of ART!





absolute value of noise + Anna Friz | somewhere a voice is calling | Vancouver


Art's Birthday 2013 | Czech Radio | PRAGUE


Art's Birthday 2013 - GOLD STANDARD | Video Pool | Winnipeg


Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party | Kunstradio | Mistelbach + Wien


Euroradio Ars Acustica Art's Birthday 2013! | EBU Orbital Radio


Music & Politics at Kanal103 with Aleksandar Stankovski | Skopje


eopictureNight10+5 with Art’s Birthday-Party | eop | Vienna


ELEVATOR | Instant Places | JNAAG Sarnia Ontario |


NRRF Radio | January 17 | Experimental Sound Studio, Chicago


Ward Weis (PLANKTONE) | Antwerp / Belgium |


Willem de Ridder meets Mobile Radio / Weserburg, Bremen, Germany


OKNO | AB = 3 Days of Winterfun! | Brussels


Art's Birthday, Wales. Swansea. Thurs 17 Jan.


'Le Hunter Idéal' (After Robert Filliou) | online | January 16, 10 am to January 18, 11 am


Beams Non Music Awards | Edmonton


THE BIRTHDAY/ organized by Youth Cultural Center - Skopje


ART'S BIRTHDAY 2013 | EMMEDIA | Calgary, AB, Canada


NAISA celebrate's ART on Art's Birthday Jan 17-20, 2013 | Toronto


Re.Co.Co. Night #3 | S.a.L.E. Docks | Venice


Radius | Episode 35: Hugo Paquete | Chicago, USA | 88.9-FM


Spongia iacta est (Helsinki-Paris)


Art's Birthday at ESC (Escape) | Graz


W2 at the Waldorf | #W2Belongs2Me | Vancouver


CiTR FM 101.9 | 24 Hours of Radio Art | Vancouver


Free103point9 and WGXC | Acra, NY


Art's Birthday: Radio Cabaret at the Artel | Tone Deaf | Kingston


Ashes, Paper and Beans: Fredericton's Writing and Arts Show | CHSR 97.9 FM


art. one million fifty for art lovers | Pomodoro Bolzano | Regensburg /Ger - Odyssey /SecondLife


Eric Leonardson's Broadcast for Art's Birthday


Special Sound Cake | Performance at Rádio Zero | Lisbon


Neutral Ground | Art's Birthday | Regina




A r t ' s B i r t h d a y . N e t --- is supported by the Western Front Society.
The site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.