--- J a n u a r y  1 5  t o  17 ---
   --- r a d i o --- s a t e l l i t e --- s t r e a m i n g --- b r e a k f a s t --- d i n n e r --- p a r t i e s --- c a k e !!! ---

   AB 2016 is dedicated to Robert Adrian X (1935 - 2015). He inspired many artists around the world
   to collaborate on communications art projects using electronic networks.

   Scheduled times are in Your Local Time (which the machine thinks is 6:44 PM. If this is wrong, go to the Set Your Timezone page)
   (Travelling West from the International Dateline)

   Art’s Birthday Tokyo - 'MULTI ACTION 2016' (139º 41' E)
      "Do you think that it becomes chaotic, what chaos appears that it does not prescribe in particular the concept dare? The rule is simply Multi-Action simultaneous improvisation act... This time is some political works reflect 2016 in Japan."
      Artists from Japan: Aoiuni, Noboru Owada, Saori Kawano, Keiko Kamma, Takashi Sakurai, Masao Soma, Kentaro Chiba, Yoshihide Namasu, Nippon Kenkichi (Kuniyoshi Murata), Haiji Yuko (Youko Heidy), Shuta Mitomo, Izumi Murata, Taisuke Morishita, Tami Yanagawa, Michiko Yoshinari, other..."
      Artists from Canada: Trolley Bus aka Bryan Mulvihill (art tea ceremony homages to Filliou & Young), Don Chow ("LMYVII" based on 'Composition 1960 #7' by La Monte Young)
      Sunday January 17 15:00-20:00 JST (see facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/events/1498464627128623/ )
   Hamletko?Ne!/ Hamletmasque? est née! + Quelques minutes de soleil après minuit (24º 56' E)
      Nomadic Academy of Experimental Arts and AAVE Circuits present: a sound, image, voice (spoken word, singing) and film performance event in MAA-tila (Albertinkatu 19, Helsinki) to celebrate Art´s Birthday
      January 17, 3 pm > WELCOME!  Xavier Quérel, Heidi Kilpeläinen, Jukka Hautamäki, Jarkko Räsänen, Kari Yli-Annala, MAA sound electronics workshop students.
      More: http://nomadinenakatemia.blogspot.com; http://www.facebook.com/events/880624188720371/; kari.yliannala@uniarts.fi
   Kunstradio's Art's Birthday Party Vienna (16º 22' E)
      Kunstradio will celebrate Art's Birthday from January 17, 5 pm to 8 pm on line and on site (Radiokulturhaus, Vienna)
      With Anna Friz, Rupert Huber, Lenja Gathmann, Lukas Lauermann, Mimu Merz, Mobile-Radio (Sarah Washington and Knut Aufermann), Andreas Platzer,
      Lale Rodgarkia-Dara, Theda Schifferdecker, Paul Skrepek, Didi Sommer, Ralf Wendt and others.
      And on air in Ö1 Kunstradio January 17, 11 pm to 1 am !
      You can send presents from now on: http://www.kunstradio.at/PROJECTS/AB2016/presents-call.php
   Art's Birthday 2016 PRAGUE / Czech Radio (14º 26' E)
      Czech Radio, in cooperation with Prague’s National Gallery and its Trade Fair Palace will celebrate on January 17, 1 pm to 10 pm.
      This time the birthday party will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of the DADA movement, 106th anniversary of futurism and the more than fifty-year history
      of the Fluxus movement. All of that will be done by means of audiovisual workshops, performances, guided gallery tours and different activities for adults as well as children.
      More about Czech party on AB.ROZHLAS.CZ
   Interface Cultures + Eleonore Schiff + STWST + dorf TV --- LINZ (14º 17' E)
      January 17, 4 pm (GMT + 1)

      In Linz we would like to celebrate this Art's 1,000,053rd Anniversary with a global networked interchange of art images using
      old Slow-Scan TV techniques. It will be accompanied by a noise concert, an exploration of the radio frequencies of the city during
      our transmissions. It is our tribute to artist Robert Adrian X who worked and presented part of his work in Linz.

      Credits, streaming and full information: http://www.interface.ufg.ac.at/blog/
      (Image - Interactive Fax Project - Norbert Hinterberger (1982 - The World in 24h))
   Roberto Paci Dalò / Radio Lada | RImini (12º 34' E)
      RAX VOX
      On January 17 live on Radio Lada http://radiolada.net between 9pm and 9:30pm CET.
      I'll be working on Bob Adrian's voice using materials from the film we did together in Vienna.
   Art's Birthday 2016 - Industrial Sounds & Visuals (12º 22' E)
      Saturday, January 16, 8 pm to 1 am at HALLE 14 - Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Spinnereistr. 7, 04179 Leipzig, http://halle14.org/
      music by Basic House, DBIABP, BLACKBURST, include/possblthings & Nina
      visuals by Rachel Lancaster, Domenic Emr, Louis Hay & Stefan Riebel
      supported by Studentenwerk Leipzig, D21 Kunstraum Leipzig & Art-Support Wiese
   happy new art! (12º 6' E)
      we are happy to invite you to the space of pomodoro bolzano for art.birthday onemillionfiftythree.
      160116 – re-plugged: jori t0kyo + loopland liveperformances ... d-regensburg, villastr.2, January 16, 7 pm.
   KlangAbgabe - SoundOut/Input | München (11º 34' E)
      On Thursday, January 14 2016, come to KlangBüro/SoundOffice at Dachauerstrasse 112d/halle6, 80636 München, between 3 to 6 p.m.,
      to give a sound to the bureau for sampling and registration. At the end of day there will be a big sound collage for listening on
      soundcloud from January 15 to 17 and the whole year 2016 on! http://soundcloud.com/gnu-1
   E-WERK & SWR2 Art's Birthday | Freiburg (7º 50' E)
      with MOUSE ON MARS and a lot more

      Video-Livestream on 16.01.2016 from 7 pm (CET) till 17.01.2016 1 am (this videostream will be online by 5 pm CET on 17th)
   Art's Birthday: By the Waterhole | Eva Pfitzenmaier | Lokal Harmonie, DE-47119 Duisburg (6º 45' E)
      Sunday, Jan.,17 | 6pm at Lokal Harmonie, Harmoniestr. 41, Duisburg, Germany | http://www.lokal-harmonie.de
      Eva Pfitzenmaier, singer and musician from Bergen, Norway will perform her original music to celebrate art's birthday
      Supporting her vocals with only a tweaked keyboard and a few effects, By The Waterhole is accompanied by home-made and home-baked moving pictures.
      Rough on the edges, catchy melodies, energetic rhythms and organic soundscapes join forces with lyrics that make sturdy statements.
   VLOT (raft) | Antwerp (4º 24' E)
      The raft of the medusa, a famous painting made by Théodore Géricault.
      1816, 150 slaves trying to survive the sinking of the Medusa. Only 15 were rescued from a raft.
      200 years later, refugees cross the Mediterranean Sea in very poor conditions. Many of them lose their lives.
      ART ‘S BIRTHDAY Antwerp reflects this with a live performance by the ensemble “S P ! T S B E R G E N ‘ in a composition / soundscape by George De Decker & Ward Weis for a floating public in the municipal swimming pool BREEVEN, Bornem near Antwerp .
   FOLD A HAT (4º 24' E)
      January 16, 12 am to January 18, 12 am
      Fold a hat, Make a photo of this,
      Send it to fold_a_hat@planktone.be
   ART'S BIRTHDAY 2016 | Antwerp (4º 24' E)
      In 1963, Fluxus artist Robert Filliou declared his own birthday as the official birthday of ‘art’.
      This statement made in a Paris bar became the starting point for many different Art’s Birthday festivities all over the world.
      On Sunday January 17th, 2016 Klara, H ART and M HKA are together organising a feast to honour art for the 8th time.
   Euroradio Ars Acustica Art's Birthday Parties (in Orbit via Satellite)
      In 2016 the EURORADIO Ars Acustica group is for the 12th time part of the international
      Art's Birthday Parties around the world and will celebrate the 53rd birthday of art all over Europe!
      Join the parties: January 17, 7 pm to 11 pm
      Schedule to be found here: http://artsbirthday.ebu.ch
      Join us for a planetary ALL DAY VIDEO BREAKFAST from sunrise in Kiritimati, Kiribati through Cardiff, Wales until Alofi, Niue.
      http://artsbirthday.peacebiennale.info will be active from January 16, 4:38 pm - January 17, 6:56 pm
      (16:38:00 GMT/UTC Saturday 16 January - 18:56:00 GMT/UTC Sunday 17 January 2016)
   Art Altar & Sonic Meditation for Art's Birthday, by Sonic Meditation Study Group | London (0º 7' W)
      Springfield Park Bandstand, London, Sunday January 17, 1 pm
      Artists will bring an offering to place at Art's Altar, alongside a replica of the 28,000 year old 'Venus of Willendorf' sculpture, to connect us to the longevity of Art and its historical significance.
      We will perform selected pieces from Pauline Oliveros' 'Sonic Meditations' and deep Listening practice.
      There will be cake, tea, hat making and a musical finale using balloons, party blowers and other party paraphernalia, all in special remembrance of Robert Adrian X.
   ETERNAL NETWORK IN S.T.I Galeria  Zaragoza Spain (0º 53' W)
      This is Hypnotic Party and fluorescent and television media
   Art's Birthday, Episode VIII: Mos Eisley or Bust (3º 56' W)
      In the face of intergalactic collapse… near, near here…
      An austerity science fiction happening made by the people, for the people!
      A Party, pure and simple - Permanent Creation Style.
      Sat 16 Jan, 7pm GMT  http://www.elysiumgallery.com/events/event/arts-birthday-2016/
   Ashes, Paper, & Beans with Joe Blades | Fredericton (66º 38' W)
      Art's Birthday on Ashes, Paper, & Beans.
      An episode of Joe Blades' weekly CHSR radio program: sound poetry, audio art, possibly some electronic art, by Canadian, Dutch, Finn, USA artists, and possibly others
      January 17, 7 am to 8 am (Atlantic Time -4)
   Surprise party celebrating the 1,000,053rd anniversary of art hosted by The exLB's (73º 56' W)
      Friday January 15, 7PM EST. Brooklyn 11225
      the 1,000,053rd Anniversary of Art!
   Tone Deaf presents: Art's Birthday Party with Konig, Frankenstorm, Pictogram and Treebot! (76º 29' W)
      January 17 2016 @ Musical Chairs, 330 Division St, Kingston Ontario Canada
      Doors January 18, 12:30 am, music from January 18, 1 am to January 18, 4 am - $6-$10 sliding scale - no one turned away!
      Celebrating with a night of music by adventurous local musicians, plus CAKE.
      The party will be broadcast live on CFRC 101.9fm!
   New Adventures in Sound Art | Toronto (79º 22' W)
      Making Waves Transmission Event, Deep Wireless Festival of Radio and Transmission Art
      January 17, 6 pm to January 17, 8 pm
      OCADU Shooting Studio (100 McCaul, Room 355), co-presented by New Adventures in Sound Art and OCADU

      Making Waves is a multi-location transmission event that explores sounds and radio frequencies that are normally inaudible to the human ear.
      A portable recordist will broadcast the listening experience to NAISA Radio http://www.naisa.ca/naisa-radio/.
   Art's Birthday | Santa Fe (105º 56' W)
      We are hosting the 1st ever Art's Birthday in Santa Fe, NM in front of the NM Museum of Art from 12 -4. We will have an
      open mic and free cake will be served from the Axle Contemporary van. The fantastic Greg Burtera Trio will perform
      original honky-tonk from 1 - 2pm. At 3pm author and artist Melody Sumner Carnahan will read from her latest work.
      Find us live at http://livestream.com/accounts/16560739. Or go to livestream.com, Freeform Art Space.
   Art's Party in the Pines - Prescott, Arizona (112º 28' W)
      Once again, hopkins /neoscenes, walking the plank, will delve deep into the archive to bring a signature sonic streaming mix to the Eternal Network, celebrating the
      2016 Art's Birthday. The stream, in fond memory of network friend Robert Adrian X will originate from the neoscenes studio high in the Arizona desert mountains between
      12:00-14:00 (GMT-7) 16 January.  For detailed information check out the art's bday (b)log entry. Stream archive now available.
   Beams Presents Arts Birthday Edmonton (113º 29' W)
      On January 22 Boreal Electro Acoustic music society in Edmonton will be celebrating Arts Birthday at bohemia 10217 97 st with artists from around the world and local artists Agaperaygunexperiment, Himiko deth noise,
      Frozen Lake 123, Don ross, Soundreamer Days Hari Maia, S'sE sessions, Skrunt Skrunt, G wolf, Stephen Sereda, Dave Axis, Ben Freeland, Koichi Okada, nobodisoundz, christine  miller, philip jagger
      Artists are paired off with each other to explore the boundaries of new music, sound and art. The night is also dedicated to robert adrian an outstanding pioneer of new music and computer art.
      Also taking place will be an art exchange. Visuals artists will bring wrapped presents to exchange with other artists. http://beams.ca
   24 Hours of Radio Art! On CITR FM | Vancouver (123º 7' W)
      January 17, 8 am to 8 am on http://citr.ca
   Bioelectric Radio | Absolute Value of Noise | Vancouver (123º 7' W)
      January 16, 8 pm to January 18, 8 pm (noon to noon PST) streaming on NoiseartRadio
      Inspired, in part, by the Sound Drifting project (1999) and the concept of many generative streams meeting in one place, a collection of generative streams
      will be broadcast through the branches of the climbing hydrangea in front of my house. A receiver, wired into the same plant using bio-electronic circuitry,
      will collect the sounds and stream them to the net on NoiseartRadio.

   The site is open to all Art's Birthday participants to post their event information.
   Website supported by the Western Front Society.